Friday, November 23, 2012

The Orioles Are Going To The Playoffs!!!

The Orioles Are Going To The Playoffs!!!

By Anonymous - Posted on 01 October 2012
The Baltimore Orioles have now clinched a spot in the 2012 Playoffs. There are no words that can truly describe my excitement towards this. I remember exactly where I was for every game of the '97 playoffs( I would like to thank my loving father for taking me), and I also remember where I have been for most of the games for every year since. ( and just for good measure, I still hate Jeffrey Maeir). Finally, my wishes, along with those of a whole city, have come true and the Orioles are back in the playoffs.
I used to think that the Orioles season would make a perfect Disney movie, and then I realized, there already is a movie about them, Major League. Last night when the O's plane had to land because of smoke coming from the engine, it just confirmed it. ( conversation that probably could have been heard last night..Jones: Call the stewardess Weiters, I need one of those bags.  Weiters: There aren't any stewardesses.  Jones: I wonder if there are any pilots).  Let me preface the rest of this buy saying, I love this movie and to do this day anytime there is a long fly ball hit, I find myself saying, "it's too high, it's too high, too high what does that matter, its out of here"

Major League was a movie about an awful Indians team who had a owner who was cheering for them to lose, playing in front of fans who had really never seen them win and really didn't care to go to the game. They did not have any big stars and in essence were a glorified AAA team. ( direct quote from Chris Davis " We're a Triple A all-star team").  Their team plane was so awful, they had to start taking a bus around, but through it all they battled all season and with the help o some seasoned veterans who most thought were washed up, mixed with some rookies that played out of their league, they were able to beat the hated Yankees to head to the playoffs.

There is no question that Jake Taylor was the leader of that team.  His catching ability along with his clutch hits is exactly how Weiters plays the game.  Adam Jones may not have the speed or the tax issues that Willie Mays Hayes has, but they are both leaders of the team and it was Jones's play that not only helped lead the Orioles to the playoffs, but led him to his 2nd consecutive Orioles MVP.  Jim Johnson notched his 50th save of the season and showed he is the captain of that bullpen.  When the Orioles needed an out, he got it.  The way he closed out games, reminded me how Ricky Vaughn ( once he got the glasses) used to come in and be un-hittable. On a side note, I do not think that Johnson would ever do anything wrong or immoral to another team mates wife. 

Finally, the biggest similarity is the fans and how they have once again made the city a Baseball city.  Both teams went from half sold out crowds to people waiting in line for hours just to get a ticket.  Every bar is packed to the brim to watch every game.  This was a great movie and seemed like it could never happen in real life.  Well, here the Orioles are, 4 days away from starting their march towards the 2012 World Series.

The Indians play by play man said " Just a reminder fans, coming up is our  Die Hard Night here at the stadium.  Free admission to anyone who was actually alive the last time the Indians won a pennant."  Obviously, it has not been that long, but it sure has felt like it for Orioles fans.  The movie ends with the Indians beating the Yankees and advancing even further in the postseason.  I can only hope for the same from Baltimore. 


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