Friday, November 23, 2012

2012 Baltimore Orioles, A Team of Destiny

2012 Baltimore Orioles, A Team of Destiny

By Anonymous - Posted on 12 September 2012
Somewhere in Hollywood there is a movie script being written about this team and actors like Derek Waters can not wait to star in it.  Think Angels in the Outfield mixed with Major League (the first one) mixed with the last two Batman movies. 
Forget all of the negative things you hear about the Orioles in the media and forget the fact that their lineup doesn't intimidate most college teams, the Orioles are a legitimate threat to win the American League.  With 20 games to go, the Orioles are tied for the lead in the AL East and they are winning the 2nd wild card spot.  They find a way to win.  They have the best bullpen in baseball and they lead the majors in 1-run victories. 
The way the AL is shaping up for these last 20 games, it appears that the East is going to be won by either Bal or NY.  The West will be won by Texas and the Central will be won by Det( yes, I think they will over take Chicago).  That will leave Oak, LAA, Bal, TB, and NYY fighting for 2 wild card spots.  Currently, Oakland is ahead for that #1 spot which doesn't mean much because the #1 and #2 wild card teams have to play in a 1-game play in game to make the playoffs and anything can happen in 1 game.  I see it breaking down one of two ways.  The most likely way based on talent; Oakland and Baltimore win the wild cards with NYY winning the East.  Baltimore wins the 1-game playoff and then loses to Texas while the Central winner upsets the Yankees and Texas and Chi/Det play in the ALCS with Texas winning and going to their 3rd straight World Series.  The storybook ending, which I think all Baltimore fans are cheering for would go like this.  Baltimore and NYY tie for AL East and have to play a 1-game playoff for the AL East crown( I know most fans want the O's to just win it outright, but this would play out way better for the movie).  The Orioles win on a walk off homer pushing NYY out of the playoff as Oakland and LA have clinched the top two wild card spots.  Baltimore and Texas than meet in the ALCS and in game 7, the Orioles find a way to win it in the bottom of the 11th inning to head to the World Series.

See you at the movies!!

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