Friday, November 23, 2012

The Best Season Ever

The Best Season Ever

By Anonymous - Posted on 30 September 2012

Recently I watched a special on the top 10 MLB seasons ever.  Right when I saw the title of the show, the first thing that popped into my head were 2000 Pedro and 2001 and 2002 Bonds.  They ended up being in the top four according to the MLB network. 
The more I think about that Bonds season( and his 1993 and 2002 season for that matter), the more I realize how dominant it really was.  The numbers speak for themselves, but having watched that whole season live, it was even more dominant then the numbers make you think.  Bonds had the following stat line:
73 HR, 137 RBI, 129 R, .328 AVG, 411 TB, .515 OBA, .863 SLG, 177 BB, 13 SB

That is one home rund every 605 ab's.  Not only is that amzaing, and I mean truly amazing if you think about it, but the fact that he normally only saw 1, maybe 2 pitches to hit each game, means taht almost every time a pitch was thrown near the strike zone, he got a hit.  I remember staying up late to watch the Giants play just so I could see him bat.  I knew that when he came up, he would either get walked( 177 times in 162 games) or he would be swinging for history.  The .863 slugging % is the highest in MLB history and to make it more impressive, he did it mainly at PNC Park which is known as a Pitchers park.  Obviously the 73 Home Runs are a record, but so are the 68 IBB.
For anyone that did not watch Bonds play that season, you missed history.  Yes, Ruth, T. Williams, Dimaggio, and others have put up great offensive seasons, but I stand by my opinion that this was the most dominant of all seasons, and apparently MLB Network agrees with me. 

The Orioles Are Going To The Playoffs!!!

The Orioles Are Going To The Playoffs!!!

By Anonymous - Posted on 01 October 2012
The Baltimore Orioles have now clinched a spot in the 2012 Playoffs. There are no words that can truly describe my excitement towards this. I remember exactly where I was for every game of the '97 playoffs( I would like to thank my loving father for taking me), and I also remember where I have been for most of the games for every year since. ( and just for good measure, I still hate Jeffrey Maeir). Finally, my wishes, along with those of a whole city, have come true and the Orioles are back in the playoffs.
I used to think that the Orioles season would make a perfect Disney movie, and then I realized, there already is a movie about them, Major League. Last night when the O's plane had to land because of smoke coming from the engine, it just confirmed it. ( conversation that probably could have been heard last night..Jones: Call the stewardess Weiters, I need one of those bags.  Weiters: There aren't any stewardesses.  Jones: I wonder if there are any pilots).  Let me preface the rest of this buy saying, I love this movie and to do this day anytime there is a long fly ball hit, I find myself saying, "it's too high, it's too high, too high what does that matter, its out of here"

Major League was a movie about an awful Indians team who had a owner who was cheering for them to lose, playing in front of fans who had really never seen them win and really didn't care to go to the game. They did not have any big stars and in essence were a glorified AAA team. ( direct quote from Chris Davis " We're a Triple A all-star team").  Their team plane was so awful, they had to start taking a bus around, but through it all they battled all season and with the help o some seasoned veterans who most thought were washed up, mixed with some rookies that played out of their league, they were able to beat the hated Yankees to head to the playoffs.

There is no question that Jake Taylor was the leader of that team.  His catching ability along with his clutch hits is exactly how Weiters plays the game.  Adam Jones may not have the speed or the tax issues that Willie Mays Hayes has, but they are both leaders of the team and it was Jones's play that not only helped lead the Orioles to the playoffs, but led him to his 2nd consecutive Orioles MVP.  Jim Johnson notched his 50th save of the season and showed he is the captain of that bullpen.  When the Orioles needed an out, he got it.  The way he closed out games, reminded me how Ricky Vaughn ( once he got the glasses) used to come in and be un-hittable. On a side note, I do not think that Johnson would ever do anything wrong or immoral to another team mates wife. 

Finally, the biggest similarity is the fans and how they have once again made the city a Baseball city.  Both teams went from half sold out crowds to people waiting in line for hours just to get a ticket.  Every bar is packed to the brim to watch every game.  This was a great movie and seemed like it could never happen in real life.  Well, here the Orioles are, 4 days away from starting their march towards the 2012 World Series.

The Indians play by play man said " Just a reminder fans, coming up is our  Die Hard Night here at the stadium.  Free admission to anyone who was actually alive the last time the Indians won a pennant."  Obviously, it has not been that long, but it sure has felt like it for Orioles fans.  The movie ends with the Indians beating the Yankees and advancing even further in the postseason.  I can only hope for the same from Baltimore. 


And the 2012 AL Cy-Young Award Goes To...

And the 2012 AL Cy-Young Award Goes To...

By Anonymous - Posted on 18 September 2012

Who is the best pitcher in the American League? This year, like most years in the past, there is a combination of top names, some surprises, some closers and some relievers. Last year Felix Hernandez was able to walk away with the award while playing on an awful team which normally doesn't happen, but his performance throughout the year along with his dominant numbers were good enough to win him the award.
Chris Sale, Jeff Weaver, David Price, Justin Verlander, Felix Hernandez and Fernando Rodney have been the best six pitchers in the AL this year. It is rare when I consider a reliever one of the best pitchers in the league, but Rodney has been damn near un-hitable this year. He has 68 K's in 68 IP and boasts a .66 ERA and an astounding .78 WHIP. With his 43 saves I do not think he can win the award, but with none of the 4 top starters running away with it, he will receive votes.
The five starters lead the AL and ERA, with David Price leading the AL in wins with 18. If you are a true stats geek and look at the saber-metrics of it all, these 5 are the top in the AL by almost every measure used to rate a pitcher. Weaver's stat line of 17 W, 2.74 ERA and a 1.0 WHIP puts him at the top of most people's Cy-young watch, but Price has an equally great stat line of 18 W, 2.54 ERA and a 1.11 WHIP.  Justin Verlander has way more strikeouts then both, but has a slightly higher ERA of 2.82 and only has 14 wins, but the fact that he is still dating kate Upton should get him at least 10 extra votes.

With all 5 starters having 2-3 starts left, the award can easily be won by any of the pitchers with a dominant September. At the end of the day if I had one game to win in the AL, I would want to have David Price on the mound, and that is why consider him the best pitcher in the AL and why he will win the Cy-Young award.

The Hunt for October- 2012 MLB Playoff Chase

The Hunt for October- 2012 MLB Playoff Chase

By Anonymous - Posted on 17 September 2012

With 16 games left in the season, this is where it starts to get real exciting.  Yes, football season has started and the new Real World Challenge starts this Wed., but there is no reason you should not be glued to the television every night watching this playoff chase.  If the season ended today, Baltimore and Oakland would play a 1-game playoff for the right to face Texas while the White Sox would be facing the Yankees.  In the NL, the Cardinals would play Atlanta in the play-in game for the right to play Washington while Cincinnati and SF would face each other.

Division Champs
We all know a lot can happen in 16 games, and with that being said, 3 of the 6 divisions are still up for grabs.  The Yankees hold a 1 game lead over the Orioles in the East with Chicago holding a 2 game lead over Detroit in the Central, and shocking to everyone the A's are only 3 games back from Texas in the AL West.
In the NL, all 3 divisions are pretty much wrapped up.  The Nationals hold a 6 game lead, the Reds with a double digit lead, and the Giants are 7.5 games up.  With the schedules each team has left mixed with the awful play of the other teams, I do not see any way these 3 teams do not win their respective division.

Wild Card
Currently in the AL, Oakland holds the top spot with Baltimore in the 2nd position.  LA is 2.5 back, with TB 4 back and Det 4.5 back.  If any of the division leaders change, Chicago and NY will also be in this conversation.  Oak has far and way the toughest schedule and they play almost every team behind them the rest of the way, so there is plenty of time for any of these teams to take over the wild-card lead.
The NL picture is more complicated due to a combination of teams choking and forgetting how to play baseball(dodgers etc) and other teams who were playing awful, all of a sudden playing like the '83 or '97 Orioles.( Padres, Brewers, Phillies etc.).  Atlanta holds a firm grip on the top spot with the Cardinals holding the 2nd spot. After that, there are 6 teams within 6 games( LAD 1, Mil 2.5, Pitt 3, Philly 4, Arizona 4.5, SD 6) and they all have a chance to take that 2nd spot.  San Diego has been one of the best teams in baseball since the all-star break.  All of these teams will be playing each other in the upcoming weeks and that should make each night more exciting then the previous one.
A look ahead
Teams have anywhere from 15-17 games left to finish the season out.  Teams like Detroit have an easy path to go through with their remaining schedule at a .413 winning %, where as teams like the Rangers and Athletics have to face opponents that have a combined .582 winning %.
Toronto could prove to be the team that decides the AL East.  They have series against NYY, Baltimore, and Tampa.  Luckily for those teams, Toronto is playing like they have given up on the season.  All three teams in the east have a remaining schedule of teams with below a .500 wining %.  Tampa has 10 games remaining at home compared to 9 for NY and 7 for Baltimore.
Oakland, who currently holds the wild card lead, has 6 games left at home and 10 on the road.  They have huge series against NY, Det, and Texas remaining on their schedule.  They are not the only team in the west with a tough remaining schedule, Texas has to face a remaining schedule of teams with a .553 winning % including LA and Oakland. 
The Tigers, who also have 10 games remaining at home, have to rely on just winning games and hoping that the White Sox crumble on their own. 
The Nationals, who have the NL East wrapped up, are still playing for the best record in the NL.  They have series left against Atl, LAD, Mil, and Phi.  They are going to have a lot to say with who wins the Wild Card. 
The Dodgers have 6 games left at home and 9 on the road.  Out of those 15 games, they will play SD, Cin, and Washington.  They have been playing so bad lately, and they look like they will not be making the playoffs. 
There are other great games and series to look forward to in the next 2.5 weeks and I expect there to be at least 1 tie breaker game just to make it into the play-in game. 

2012 Baltimore Orioles, A Team of Destiny

2012 Baltimore Orioles, A Team of Destiny

By Anonymous - Posted on 12 September 2012
Somewhere in Hollywood there is a movie script being written about this team and actors like Derek Waters can not wait to star in it.  Think Angels in the Outfield mixed with Major League (the first one) mixed with the last two Batman movies. 
Forget all of the negative things you hear about the Orioles in the media and forget the fact that their lineup doesn't intimidate most college teams, the Orioles are a legitimate threat to win the American League.  With 20 games to go, the Orioles are tied for the lead in the AL East and they are winning the 2nd wild card spot.  They find a way to win.  They have the best bullpen in baseball and they lead the majors in 1-run victories. 
The way the AL is shaping up for these last 20 games, it appears that the East is going to be won by either Bal or NY.  The West will be won by Texas and the Central will be won by Det( yes, I think they will over take Chicago).  That will leave Oak, LAA, Bal, TB, and NYY fighting for 2 wild card spots.  Currently, Oakland is ahead for that #1 spot which doesn't mean much because the #1 and #2 wild card teams have to play in a 1-game play in game to make the playoffs and anything can happen in 1 game.  I see it breaking down one of two ways.  The most likely way based on talent; Oakland and Baltimore win the wild cards with NYY winning the East.  Baltimore wins the 1-game playoff and then loses to Texas while the Central winner upsets the Yankees and Texas and Chi/Det play in the ALCS with Texas winning and going to their 3rd straight World Series.  The storybook ending, which I think all Baltimore fans are cheering for would go like this.  Baltimore and NYY tie for AL East and have to play a 1-game playoff for the AL East crown( I know most fans want the O's to just win it outright, but this would play out way better for the movie).  The Orioles win on a walk off homer pushing NYY out of the playoff as Oakland and LA have clinched the top two wild card spots.  Baltimore and Texas than meet in the ALCS and in game 7, the Orioles find a way to win it in the bottom of the 11th inning to head to the World Series.

See you at the movies!!

Orioles/Yankees Preview: Playoff Atmosphere is Back in Baltimore!

Orioles/Yankees Preview: Playoff Atmosphere is Back in Baltimore!

By Anonymous - Posted on 06 September 2012

With 25 games left in the season and the Orioles are one game back of 1st place, the hated New York Yankees come into town to start the most important 4-game series the Orioles have had in well over a decade.
Adam Jones has criticized fans lately for not showing up and not caring about the team, but he will not have to worry about that this weekend.  Each game will be sold out and not the normal sell out when the Yankees are in town with 70% of fans being Yankees fans, Camden Yards will be sold out with all Oriole fans cheering their team on in a playoff atmosphere that this city has been dying to have.  This will end up going down as one of the most exciting sports weekends in Baltimore when the Orioles take 3 of 4 from the Yankees, take over first place, and then on Monday the Ravens start the NFL season at home with a win.  For the first time I can ever remember, I expect there to be as much orange and black worn at Raven Stadium on Monday as there is purple. 

Tonight will be a game that most people may not forget.  Some are calling it the biggest single game the Orioles have hosted since Ripken broke the streak.  With that in mind, tonight the Orioles will honor Cal Ripken by unavailing his statue and giving the fans a replica statue to take home.  Mix that with the emotion that Baltimore fans will have with the passing of Art Model this morning, and I do not see any way the Orioles do not win tonight. 
As for the Baseball part of it, the Yankees will throw Phelps, Hughes, Sabathia, and Garcia to try to slow down the red hot Oriole bats.  This is not the Yankees pitching staff of old and with the way the Orioles have been hitting, I see no reason the Orioles can not put up at least 5 runs every game in this series.  Texiera is still out and AROD is just getting back from his injury.
Win or lose this series, the Orioles are still in the playoff hunt and have the wild card, but no one around here is thinking wild card.  This is now the time for change and it is now time for The Orioles to take the reigns in the AL East.  The times of Boston and New York dominating baseball are now over!  This weekend will be the most electric atmosphere that most of you have ever seen at an Oriole game.  I hope to see you all there!!!

MLB Week in Review 8/6-8/14

MLB Week in review 8/6-8/14

By Anonymous - Posted on 14 August 2012

There are less than 50 games left in the season and this is when baseball gets real good.  I know a lot of you have already given up on Baseball either becasue you got distracted by the USA dominating the Olympics or because Football has started and you would rather care about exhibition games and your fantasy team then the playoff push, but you are missing some great baseball. 
He's on fire
This is the time time of the year when the good players stand up and earn their paycheck and help their team make it into the playoffs.  Some players are always so good that they never get mentioned for having a great week, even though at the end of the year they have fantastic numbers.  This week there were 5 players that stood out for their great performance.
The best performance of the week goes to Manny Machado who was called up from AA ball to play third base for the Orioles.  People thought he may have been called up too early, but he proved them very wrong by hitting 3 home runs with 7 rbi's and a .375 avg.  If he keeps this up, we could be looking at the new full-time third baseman for the Orioles.
Chase Headley picked a great time to pick his game up.  He is a free agent in the off-season and now is the time to play well to get teams to notice you.  He had 4 hr's and 13 rbi's in the last week and if he can keep this up, he will be looking at a huge contract in the off-season.  People thought Josh Hamilton was in a slump and had regressed and he answered those critics by blasting 3 hr's with 9 rbi's all while hitting .476 over the last week.
Alex Gordan and Billy Butler hit a combined 6 hr's, with 10 rbi's and hit a combined .350.  I group them together becasue they got to face Oriole's pitching for 4 games, so the numbers are a little inflated, but still, a great week for both of them.

Not all of the pitching was awful  Cole Hamels was able to earn 2 wins in 18 IP with a 0.0 ERA and .72 Whip.  Alex Cobb was also able to get 2 wins with 12 strikeouts while notching a 1.29 ERA.  Justin Masterson, who appears to be pitching just to show other teams they need to trade for him, notched 2 wins with a 1.38 ERA.
As the pennant race heats up, now is the time teams want to play good ball.  The Nationals are 9-1 in their last 10 games and Tampa is 8-2 in that span.  Not to be outdone, the Orioles and Dodgers are both 7-3.  It is no coincidence that all 4 of these teams are right in the thick of the pennant chase.

Leader of the Pack
The Yankees hold a 5 game lead in the AL East and the way they are playing, it looks like they will hold on and win that division leaving everyone else in that division to play for the wild card.  The White Sox hold a 2 game lead over the Tigers, but I do not think that lead is safe.  I feel that by the end of the year, the Tigers will win the central and will leave the White Sox fighting for the wild card.  The Rangers hold a 6 game in the AL West and there is no way that the Angels or Athletics will be able to catch them.
What that all means in the AL is that Tampa, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, LA, and Oakland will all be fighting for two wild card spots.  The two wild card teams will play in a one-game playoff for the right to make it into the actual playoffs.  Currently, Tampa and Baltimore are tied for the lead with 4 teams within 7 games of that top spot.  This will be a great race and most likely will come down to the final two days of the season.
In the National League, the Nationals have opened up a 5.5 game lead on the Braves.  The nationals have that look of a team that could go very, very far this year.  Right now, depending on excatly what they do with Strasburg, I see them as the best team in the league and the World Series favorite.  In the Central, the Reds hold a 5 game lead on the Pirates and a 7 game lead on the Cardinals.  Cincinatti is without a doubt one of the best players and they are still playing great baseball.  They will hold on and win this division.  In the West, we have a real battle.  The Dodgers and Giants are tied for first and the Diamondbacks are only 4.5 games back.  Giants/Dodgers is one of the best rivalries in the history of baseball and this year will just add fuel to that fire.
The NL Wild card is just as crowded as the AL.  Atlanta and Pitt are tied for the lead and thy have 4 teams within 6 games of that top spot.  At the end, I see Atlanta and the 2nd place finisher of the West getting the top two spots.
What to watch now that the Olympics are over

If the Orioles want to prove they belong, this will be a week for them to show it.  They take on Boston and Detroit.  Both teams are in the wild card race with them and a losing week could take Baltimore right out of the wild card lead..
Pittsburgh hosts LA and then travels off to St. Louis.  The Pirates hold a 1.5 game lead over the Dodgers and a 2 game lead over the Cardinals in the wild card, so if they would to sweep both series, that would really help their playoff push.  After facing San Diego, Atlanta then hosts the Dodgers.  Every one of these games is crucial to the wild card race
In two possible playoff previews, The Rangers travel to New York and Washington heads to SF.  These are 4 of the best teams in baseball and these should both be great series.  Washington ends the week hosting the MEts, and they need to win that series to stay on top of the East. 
Cincinnati has an easy week and they should win both series if not sweep them both.  They host the Mets and then the Cubs.  The Cubs are 16-42 on the road this year.

2012 MLB Trade Deadline Recap

2012 MLB Trade Deadline Recap

By Anonymous - Posted on 01 August 2012
The trade deadline has come and gone and now the playoff hunt begins. Teams like The Dodgers, Angels, Giants, White Sox, and Pirates showed they were in it to win it all this year where teams like The Astros, Brewers, Phillies and Cubs gave up all hope of winning another game in 2012.
The Good
The two Western Divisions won free agency this year.  The Dodgers were able to turn their minor league lineup into one of the best in the NL with the addition of Victorino and Hanly.  Their 1-6 hitters now pose a major problem for most of the pitchers in their division.  The Giants had a top catching prospect that they knew would never play because of Buster Posey so they were ok with trading him in order to improve their lineup with Hunter Pence.  Pence will drastically improve that lineup which needed a new bat infused into it. 
The Angels got Zach Grienke and as happy as Angels fans and teammates are, no one is as happy about the trade as his super hot wife who now gets leave Milwaukee and tan in LA.  They were already one of the top 4 teams in the AL and now have the best starting three in baseball with a rotation of Weaver-Greinke-Wilson.  This move jumped them up to the second best team in baseball in my team rankings.  The Rangers (who are currently winning the west) knew they had to get a top pitcher with Lewis and Feliz going out for the year.  They were able to land Ryan Dempster and really didn't have to give up much.
(Mrs. Grienke)

There were other teams that did a very good job with their trades and can be considered "winners".  The Pirates were winners in two different ways.  First, they were able to boost their lineup with the addition of Gaby Sanchez and Travis Snyder (this is the first time I can remember that the Pirates were buyers and not sellers) and helped their starting rotation with the addition of Wandy Rodriguez.  Also, the majority of their division decided to give up on the season and trade away all of their good players (Dempster, Wandy, Grienke, Malholm, Myers, etc) which should give Pittsburgh an easy path to the playoffs. 
The White Sox who are currently winning their division, had three holes in their lineup and they were able to fill each whole and in return didn't have to give up any of their top prospects.  Liriano and Myers should help that staff and Youkalis fills a major hole at third base. 
The Bad
No one really made any bad trades, but there were some teams that either could have done better or did nothing at all that really should have. 
The Cubs and Astros unloaded all of their players for prospects in return.  Neither team really had a choice, but I do feel like both teams could have held out a little more and got 1-2 more prospects.  That being said, I learned a while ago to never question any move that Theo Epstein makes. 
The AL East is the toughest division in baseball, it is also the division that made the least amount of moves.  For the first time in close to 15 years the Orioles were not sellers.  They did need to make a move for either a top SP or a third baseman, but they were not willing to part with any of their top prospects.  Tampa was also invisible in the trade market.  There was a chance they were going to move Shields, but at the end of the day, they decided to stay put and compete for that wild card spot with the team they have.  It appears that when Epstein left Boston he took the willingness to trade with him.  After unloading Youkalis Boston was unable to move Beckett and the only player they acquired for the playoff push was Craig Breslow who is an average RHP.  The Yankees who are normally the biggest players were able to steal an aging Ichiro from Seattle to help that lineup and Casey McGehee who will cover third until A-Rod comes back from injury. 
The Ugly
Just because you are a seller at the deadline does not mean you are a loser.  There are other things that come into play when considering if you were a winner or a loser and analyzing how you did with all of the trades.
After spending so much money in free agency and then having to dump half their team, the Marlins were losers in this years trade deadline.  Heath Bell was so bad that no other team wanted him but they did move Hanly, G. Sanchez, O. Infante, Mujica and K. Kamnska. 
By doing nothing, Arizona has to be considered another loser.  They currently sit only 4 games back from the division lead and the two teams in front of them (SF and LAD) improved their teams and separated themselves as the top two teams in the division.
The Reds have a huge hole at the lead-off spot and they let three different lead-off hitters get traded to other teams.  As a team, they are hitting .203 out of the lead-off position with an OBP of .248.  This could really come back to bite them in the playoff race with Pittsburgh right behind them. I will give the Reds a little credit since they signed the fattest pitcher in baseball in Jon Broxton.  He will be a setup man for Chapman this year, but if they really are serious about moving him to a starter next year, Broxton is a great fit for the closer role next year. 
Josh Johnson, Josh Beckett, Joe Blanton, and Matt Garza were all top name pitchers that were available and did not get traded.  Any of these players would have been a great addition to any staff in a playoff race and their current teams could have gotten great prospects in return.  All of the teams that looked at these players and then passed on them are going to regret that decision in September. 

How do voters feel about Steriod Use: The 2013 MLB HOF Class*

How do voters feel about Steriod Use: The 2013 MLB HOF Class*

By Anonymous - Posted on 31 July 2012
bonds b 4 and after.jpg
There are 45 people eligible for the HOF in 2013.  Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens are tow of them and they are two of the greatest I have ever seen.  At one point in time I was convinced they would be the first two people in MLB history to get 100% of the votes for the HOF.  Now, with their connection to steroids they could be on the outside looking in.  There is a lot of talent on the 2013 roster, but keep in mind that each voter can only vote for ten players so getting 5% of the vote could be a little bit tougher this year.
Fun trivia #1- There are now 4 playeres with 2 or more MVP's that are eligible for the HOF and not in, can you name them?
Fun fact of the day- There are 65 members of the MLB HOF that have been in a total of 132 movies.
Will they finally get in?
There are 13 players up for nomination that have been up before.  I am a firm believer that if you do not get in on the first time, you do not deserve to get in at all.  I know that is not a feeling shared by many, but I just do not understand people not getting in the first time but then getting in 5 years down the road.  The term first-ballot HOF'er is a term I hate, you are either HOF worthy or you are not.  When a player gets voted in after a couple f tries, it is the baseball equivalent of a pity date.
Of the 13 people up again, I feel 5 of them are worthy and probably 2 of them will get in this year, but I do not think the tr 8 will ever get in.  Tim Raines, Dom Mattingly, Larry Walker, Bernie Williams, Alan Trammel, Edgar Martinez, and Dale Murphy were all very good players, but I do not see them ever getting in for a variety of reasons.  Raines had 6 seasons of 70 steals or more, but was never a great player and he doesn't have any other HOF credentials.  Edgar Martinez was great, but he was a DH.  There has never been a full time DH voted in and I do not think there ever will be.  The other players were all very good and have a tremendous amount of all-star appearances and gold gloves and other various awards, but were never great players and were always overshadowed by at least 3 other people at their respective positions.
I do think that Jack Morris, Lee Smith, Mark McGwire, Jeff Bagwell, and Rafael Palmeiro are all HOF worthy and should be in.  Everyone knows the numbers that McGwire and Palmeiro have put up and there is no doubt they are HOF worthy numbers, but the voters showed that steroid implications weigh more against you then great numbers weigh for you.  I do think that over time they will both et in, ut I thik it could be a while.  I hope the other 3 get in, but again, if they didn't get in on their first try, what has changed with the voters to vote them in this year?
Lee Smith is on the ballot for the 11th time.  He retired as the all-time save leader with 473 saves.  As a reliever he had 3 top-5 finishes for the Cy-young award.  The problem is that there are only 5 relievers in the HOF and since he has retired there have been better closers in baseball( Hoffman, Rivera, etc..).  If he doesn't get in this year, I am not sure if he ever will because the next round of closers that will be eligible will have way better numbers.
Jeff Bagwell was a dominant player during his time.  He won ROY and has a MVP award.  He had 6 straight seasons of 30hr/100RBI.  He was not on the Mitchell report and he never tested positive for steroids.  The negative on him is his .226 avg in the postseason and he never made it to 2500 hits( only has 2314).
JackMorris is on the ballot for the 14th time.  Either let him in or take him off of the ballot.  He has 254 wins, was a 20 game winner 3 times and has 7 postseason wins.  he was however, never considered a great pitcher, never finished higher then 3rd in the Cy-young voting, and obviously is not HOF worthy in the eyes of the voters since they have passed on him for the last 13 years. 
Trivia #2- There are 4 pitchers in the HOF without a Cy-young award, can you name them?
The best of the rest
The other 32 players make up the most controversial HOF first ballot class in the history of MLB.  HOw the voters vote on some of the all-time greats from the steroid era will not only have an impact on this current class, but it will have a ripple effect on every other class to enter the HOF.
I only think that there are 6 out of the 32 that deserve to get in and if I was a voter I would let all 6 of them in, steroid implication or not.  The fact that Palmeiro and McGwire have received such little votes does not bode well for the these players, but then again, the guys on this year's ballot are all-time greats.
Bonds and Clemens do not need their numbers reviewed.  They are arguably both top 10 all time at their position.  The cloud of steroid use over them that came from them both perjuring themselves has made them the face of PED use in baseball.  Some will say they do not belong in the same class as the great players, but the counter argument is that of the all-time great players, the majority of them had serious character flaws along the lines of domestic abuse, alcoholism and drug abuse.  If they do not get in and they get a low % of votes, that will not only show that the current voters will never want them in, but it will also show some of the players that are not quite eligible yet that even though they have HOF numbers, they will probably not get in either.( Pudge, A-Rod, Tejada)  I separate Sosa from these two, because I do not consider him an all-time great.  Not only does he have the steroid cloud over him, he also got busted with a corked bat. I could see him never getting in.  He obviously has the numbers to make it, but there is just too much other stuff hanging over him. 
Mike Piazza and Curt Schilling are both under the steroid cloud, but not to the extent that the others are.  Both of them are HOF worthy and I feel that they deserve to get in and that the voters will agree with me.  Piazza is a 12 time all-star with 427 home runs and a career avg. of .308.  He is the best offensive catcher I have ever seen.
Schilling is an interesting case.  yes, the same Curt Schilling that the Orioles traded away for Glen Davis( Steve Finley also got traded away in that trade and he is on the ballot this year also). It comes down to how the voters view regular season performance vs. postseason performance.  He is 85th all-time in wins with 216 wins with pitchers the likes of David Wells, Andy Petite, Jamie Moyer and other non HOF worthy players ahead of him on that list.  That being said, he has 3 300-strikeout seasons, 2 world series rings and 3 20-win seasons.  His 11 postseason wins are 5th all time and he has the 3rd highest winning percentage in the postseason at .846.  His performance in the 2001 playoffs was one of the most dominant playoff performances in baseball history.  He had 56 strikeouts in 48 innings pitched with 4 wins and 3 complete games.  The man already has one of his socks in the HOF and there is no reasons not to let the rest of him in.
Craig Biggio is re-united with Bagwell and I feel they both have a real good change of getting in together.  He was never under the steroid cloud and he has the numbers and awards to get in.  He is a 7 time all-star with 4 gold gloves and 3060 hits.  I can see voters shying away from him due to his .234 postseason avg and the fact that he never finished higher than 4th in MVP voting, but at the end of the day, he deserves a plaque in Cooperstown.
The only player I can see on the ballot that will even smell a vote is Kenny Lofton.  I do not ever see him getting in, but he will get some votes.  He was never a great player, but he was a top outfielder for a good 6-8 year span.  He ended his career with a .299 avg, 622 steals, 4 gold gloves, and 6 all-star appearances.  I would be shocked if he received more then 20% of the votes.
What does it all mean?
During the steroid era the stats for players became so inflated that every other offensive stat in the history of baseball started to shrink.  The HOF voters now have a chance to make those stats stand up again for what they were; all-time great numbers done by players that played the game the right way.  I say that with it being know that I feel Bonds, Clemens, Palmeiro and A-Rod are all HOF worthy and they need to be enshrined.
The steroid era made players that had 300-400 home runs in their career seem like nothing.  The average year for the top 10 in home runs, rbi's and runs dwarfed the average from 20 years prior.  There is obviously more to those numbers then just steroids, but they did have a lot to do with it.  If the voters decide to not vote in any player that is associated with steroids, then they are saying that their stats do not matter.  That makes the older players that have not been voted in yet have a better chance because now their numbers will seem better( I am looking at you Dale Murphy).
The vote next year will also affect a whole class of current players.  There are players now that have never had a shred of accusation on them that are good, but not great.  Their numbers seem to get ignored because they do not have 600 hr's, but when these players end their careers with 400-500 home runs, that will be good enough to get them in( Konerko, Vlad, etc).  By ignoring all of the status put up by players associated with steroids, it gives the current players a new light of hope.  They will know that they do not have to get to 600 home runs to get in and a career .300 with 400 home runs will probably get voted in as long as there is no steroid history in their past.  ON the flip side, if the voters choose not to let in anyone associated with PED's, there are at least 15 players that will have HOF numbers but because of the era they played in, they will never get in. 

MLB Week in Review 7/16-7/23

MLB week in review 7/16-7/23

By Anonymous - Posted on 23 July 2012
Spin the Black Circle
Barry Larkin and Ron Santo were enshrined into the HOF this weekend.  As great as a moment as that was for them and for Baseball, all the talk was about the HOF class of next year.  That will be the first year that Bonds, Clemens and some of the other superstars that have been associated with Steroids are up for nomination and everyone is intrigued on how the voters will view them*
Ryan Dempster got traded to the Braves today.  That has nothing to do with the previous week of baseball, but it is still very big news in the Baseball world.  With the trade deadline approaching, I expect to see moves like this popping up all over the place.  Every team is currently going through their roster from A ball to the Majors looking at who they would part with and what could they get back for it.  That, mixed with the intensity of a playoff push, should make the next 65 games or so for each team very interesting. 
Random fact of the day; Former pitcher Antonio Alfonseca had 6 fingers on his hand. 
Better Man
In the last 7 days, Jason Kubel has 6 home run's, 11 RBI's and is hitting .409.  Ryan Zimmerman tried to compete for Player of the Week with his 5 HR's, 8 RBI's and .500 avg but he wasn't at Kubel's level.  Not to be outdone, Brandon Phillips was able to rack up 9 RBI's while hitting .346 and his NL Central buddy Pedro Alvarez went deep 4 times but was only able to manage 7 RBI's off of those. 
There was a player that was able to tie for the lead for the week in steals, and normally I wouldn't really care about that, but when I saw his name, I was shocked, because I didn't know he was healthy enough to run.  Carl Crawford swiped 3 bags last week and apparently is back to his old form.  This could make the Red Sox a wild card threat again( I say that  after watching the dismantling that Toronto did to them over the weekend sweeping them in Fenway)
Raise your hand if you thought Lance Lynn was going to be a front runner for the NL Cy-young, or for that matter if you even knew he was.  He racked up 2 wins with 15 strikeouts, a .69 ERA and a 1.00 WHIP in the last week.  Not to be outdone not only in the pitcher of the week competition but also in the where did you come from and will you be a bust next year category, Wade Miley was also able to get 2 wins and record 15 strikeouts.
Oakland is 9-1 in their last 10 winning 5 in a row.  This streak has them tied for the Al Wild card slot.  Over the weekend, they were able to sweep the Yankees in a 4-game series( first time ever they swept New York with all games decided by 1 run).  That sweep showed the country that Texas and Anaheim are not the only teams to worry about in the AL West.  Baltimore, Detroit, and Pittsburgh all have won 5 in a row and sit in prime position to advance to the playoffs. This 8-2 run that the Tigers are on have moved them up to first place in the AL Central and they look to continue their hot streak this week.
Nothing as it Seems
Even after getting swept this weekend, New York is still 6 games up in the AL East.  They seem to have a firm hold on the division.  However, the other 5 divisions are all up for grabs.  I will not look to much into current standings until after the trade deadline since so many teams change rosters overnight. The AL Central seems to be the most competitive of the divisions( I know the east still has every team at or above .500) with 2 teams being within 4.5 games of the first place Tigers.  Out in the West, the Rangers still hold to a 5 game lead over the Angels and Oakland has crept up to within 5.5 games.  I don't see either team catching the Rangers, but I see both of those teams making a strong push for the wild card. 
The Nationals have a 3.5 game lead over the Braves and the rest of the NL East apparently has given up trying to win the division.  The Reds hold a .5 game lead over the red hot Pirates and a 5 game lead over the Cardinals.  This division changes leaders it seems like daily and this race will 100% come down to the final days of the season.  To round out the NL, the Dodgers sit 1.5 games behind the Giants.  Arizona, who is 1 game below .500, sits 6 games out.  This division is so awful, that I could see either of these teams winning it.
The Wild Card standings break down something like this; almost every team in Baseball is in contention right now.  The AL has 3 teams tied for the lead and another 5 teams within 4 games.  The NL has a two-way tie for first with 4 teams within 5 games.  Both leagues have 2 spots to fill, so these races will go down to the wire.  I know it is early, but I see the Angels and Tigers winning the Al Wild Card spots( White Sox win the Central) with the Pirates and Cardinals winning the NL Wild Card.

Even Flow
The British Open is over, you have already seen Ted and Batman, and it is overcast in most of the country,  so you have no excuse not to watch Baseball all week long. 
Baltimore looks to stay hot when they take on Tampa who is 2.5 games behind them for the wild card and Oakland who is currently tied with them.  They get both of these series at home and behind a rejuvenated crowd at Camden Yards, I expect the Orioles to win both series. 
Tampa's schedule does not get any easier.  After facing Baltimore, they have to travel across the country to face the Angels.  If Tampa loses both of these series, I expect them to push extra hard to move anyone they can off their team before the deadline. 
Detroit travels to Cleveland and this could be the series of the week.  The Tigers are red hot and hold a 4.5 game lead.  If either team can sweep this series, it will go a long way in determining who will win the Central.  Both teams get an easier foe at the back end of the week with the Indians traveling to Minnesota and Detroit going to Toronto.
Is Pittsburgh for real?  The number one sign of a good team, is they always beat the teams they are supposed to beat.  They host the Cubs who are 14-35 on the road and then they travel to Houston, who currently holds the worst record in Baseball with a .354 winning percentage.  Pittsburgh should be able to sweep both of these series.
Miami has lost 5 games in a row.  I assume that total is going to get a little higher since they host the Braves to start the week.  The Marlins are on a downward slide and the Braves seem to be on a mission now.  I do not see this series going well for Miami
Boston has the toughest schedule this week.  They have a series in Texas who has the 2nd best record in baseball, and then they get to go to Yankee Stadium to face the team with the best record in baseball.  This will not be an easy week for them, and based off what I saw Toronto do to that pitching staff, I can only imagine what these all-star lineups are going to do against them.
I hope you enjoy this week of baseball and keep your eye posted to the news since roster moves will be happening every day.