Monday, May 14, 2012

Where were you???

So many huge events happen in the world, and people can always remember where they were when that event happen.  I am the same way, and with the exception of 9/11, I feel like at least the top 15 or 20 memorable events I can remember all involve sports.  I know I should care more about politics or religion or the arts or whatever else other people love and care about, but for me, it is all about sports.  I love to watch sports, play sports, talk about sports, debate sports, occasionally bet on sports, and just overall always want sports involved.

Even the small things that happen in sports and games that do not mean that much, if you mention that game or event, I can tell you where I was and who I watched it with and probably the result. 

From the early Tyson fights to TO's catch against GB in the playoffs to 2131, Murray's 500th, Phil's first major, Morales breaking his ankle celebrating, Vick coming back against WVU in Morgantown.  It doesn't matter the sport or the year, I remember it, and when I think back on the memory I smile.  I can't tell you where I was when the Vietnam wall came down, or where I was when Obama officially became president.  I can't tell you where I was when we killed Bin Laden or Hussain, but I know exactly where I was when Earnhardt died on the track and when Willis Maghee broke his leg in a way I thought he would never be able to walk again.  Laettner hit his shot over Kentucky on my birthday.  That was my 12th birthday.  I can tell you every person that was in my basement for my birthday party, what they were wearing and what we did the rest of the night.  If Laettner hadn't hit that shot that night, I would not be able to remember any of those details.   

I will never debate politics or religion.  However, I will debate anything about sports at anytime about any topic.  I guess that is how you know you are a true sports fan.  Some would call me pathetic and some would tell me to get a life.  Those people will just never understand.  Every person has a hobby and a passion, and for me that is everything sports. 

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